Tuesday, June 8, 2010


1. I find myself starting to write a post and not being able to finish it in one night. Therefore, I am going to post and change the date to the day I began writing. So even though I just posted about Masaya, I changed the date to June 6th because that is when I started writing that post.

2. I took my camera with me for my long walk, but I did not take pictures in any of the most exciting or impoverished places. I wanted to avoid being outed as a naive tourist. Don't get me wrong, being 6'2" and white makes me stand out, but the camera would have been too much. There is a photo contest with my organization that I am hoping to participate in, so in the future I will have my camera with me to capture some of the best moments.

3. GO BLACKHAWKS!!! I am upset that I am not able to watch the games here, but I will be following tomorrow night online.


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